ECIS (European Cancer Information System)

European Cancer Information System contains information on cancer burden indices in Europe. JRC (Joint Research Centre), DG SANTE (Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety) in ENCR (European Network of Cancer Registries) collaborated to develop it. It offers a look into geographical and time patterns of incidence, mortality and survival data. The goal of the application is to support research and decision making in oncology and to inform European citizens. It consists of three parts; incidence and mortality estimates for 2018, incidence and mortality historical data and survival estimates (2000 - 2007).

ECIS uses four different data sources for its application. Incidence estimates for 2018 are based on data from 40 European countries from the Cancer in 5 Continents project (CI5). Mortality estimates for 2018 are based on WHO Mortality Database data. Historical information about incidence and mortality are from ENCR-JCR project (list of participating registries) and survival estimates are from the EUROCARE-5 study.

They offer a user guide for the application. Below we give a few use cases for each of the three parts of the website.

Incidence and mortality estimates 2018

The parameters we can select are country/region, sex, cancer site, and burden indicator (incidence, mortality or both of them). We can also choose the standardization method. We can show the data in a bar chat or a map (both can be exported to PDF, PNG or JPEG) or in a table (exports to CSV, PNG or JPEG). Display options depend on our choice of parameters.

Incidence and mortality historical data

The available parameters are country/region/specific registry, sex, cancer site, age (we can set the interval) and time period. We can show incidence, mortality, comparison of the two, and population structure.

Survival estimates

In this section we can compare the data by country. Time period and age parameters are unchangeable; all data is for the years 2000 – 2007, for all ages above 15. We can set the sex and cancer site parameters.