International links

Institutions working in the areas of public health, oncology and health data collection
International Agency for Research on Cancer

US National Cancer Institute

UK National Cancer Research Institute

World Health Organization

WHO Regional Office for Europe

International Union Against Cancer (UICC)

European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)

European School of Oncology (ESO)

EC DG SANCO Public Health


International cancer and public health databases
GCO (Global Cancer Observatory)
: provides access to the most recent estimates (for 2018) of the incidence of, prevalence and the mortality from 36 cancer types in 185 countries.
CI5 (Rak na petih kontinentih)
: provides access to detailed information on the incidence of cancer recorded by cancer registries (regional or national) worldwide.
WHO cancer mortality
: presents long time series of selected cancer mortality recorded in selected countries of the world, together with advanced prediction facilities.
ACCIS (Automated Childhood Cancer Information System): provides access to data on cancer incidence and survival of children collected by European cancer registries.
ECIS (European Cancer Information System)
: provides access to the estimates (for 2018) of cancer burden in the European Union, together with historical data on incidence and mortality and survival estimates.
: global survival data (up to 2014) for 18 cancer types, that represent 75 % of cancer burden.
: information network on rare cancers (27 countries).
IARC Monographs Database on Carcinogenic Risks to Human: identify environmental factors that can increase the risk of human cancer.
European Health for All Database (HFA-DB)
: is a selection of core health statistics covering basic demographics; health status; health determinants and risk factors; and, health care resources, utilization and expenditures, for the 53 Member States in the Region.
Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER):
a premier source for cancer statistics in the United States.
Eurostat: detailed statistics on the EU and candidate countries.