- One of two men and one of three women, born in Slovenia in 2010, will be diagnosed with cancer in their life-time.
- Over 12.000 Slovenians are diagnosed with cancer in the last years, more than 6.500 males and about 6.000 females and about 5.700 die because of cancer, 3.200 males and 2.500 females; nowadays, more than 81.000 people live among us, who were ever treated for cancer.
- Despite the risk of cancer is slightly increasing, it is the highest among the elderly; from all cancer patients, diagnosed in 2010, more than 58% were older than 65 years. As Slovenian population is ageing, it is expected that the number of new cancer cases will increase because of ever higher number of people, aged 65 years and older.
- The most frequent cancer sites in our population (skin, colon and rectum, lung, breast and prostate) are associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, excessive sun exposure, unhealthy dietary habits, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption; primary prevention measures and health promotion should be strengthened to reduce the risk due to these factors.
- Organised population based cancer screening programmes, recommended by the Council of European Communities, that have been introduced in Slovenia, and early diagnostics are supposed to decrease mortality from breast, colorectal and cervical cancer, in the latter incidence also.
- Five-year relative survival of adult male cancer patients (all sites but skin) diagnosed in the period 2006–2010 in Slovenia was 50% and in female cancer patients (all sites but skin) 60%. Though the survival of adult cancer patients is gradually improving, it is lagging behind the European average in all more frequent cancers; survival can be improved by earlier cancer diagnosis and better organization of healthcare facilities.